Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The United States Should Leave Iraq Essay - 979 Words

The United States Should Leave Iraq The United States is in a tough situation. This country has gone to war without the UNs approval, and now has more casualties than when the war officially ended. Now, the war could cost taxpayers $87 billion dollars, and more if the war drags on. The situation is at the critical point. If the Bush Administration does not leave Iraq, we will lose thousands of troops, spend billions sending more troops to Iraq, and we will lose the faith of the international community. This war will have larger repercussions than the casualties occurring every day. If the Bush Administration gets the $87 billion dollars to pay for Iraqs reconstruction it has asked for, the countrys economy is not likely to†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Vice President Cheney stated, We know hes been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons, on Meet the Press, but a few days before he said that, the International Atomic Energy Agency gave a report to the UN stating that they, ?had found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq. The entire reason for war, the reason that has been restated numerous times, was false. The Bush Administration was ready for war, and did all they could to tell people their evidence was correct, without actually examining that evidence to see if really was correct. There are four possible paths to take from this point. We could simply leave Iraq to its own devices, pull all of our troops out of Iraq, and never look towards it again. However, we bombed their country, and we have an obligation to fix it for the innocents who are suffering. This action is irresponsible and immoral. Or, we could stay in Iraq, denying the UN any say in this and paying for it ourselves. This will bring us to economic ruin, and we will lose our image in the UN. This course of action is arrogant and financially unsound. Another path would be to pull all troops out of Iraq, give control to the UN, but pay for all of theShow MoreRelatedShould We Stay Or Will We Go?927 Words   |  4 PagesShould We Stay or Should We Go? When one thinks of war, many emotions and thoughts come to mind. The war in Iraq causes many of these intuitions and struck one very important question, should we stay or should we withdraw. Two very diverse articles exhibit various and exquisite viewpoints. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ethics And The Code Of Ethics - 1455 Words

Ethical Practices There are many questions about people’s ethics and how they practice it by deciphering between what is right and what is wrong. How we think and behave towards others and how others think and behave towards us is how people live their lives. Doing what is right and personal integrity is two different features of ethics. In a business world, the Code of ethics is â€Å"a company’s written standards of ethical behavior that are designed to guide managers and employees in making the decisions and choices they face every day (Ghillyer, 2012, p. 26).† Religiously, culturally and philosophically ethics it can complicate situations when thinking about whether it is ethical or not. Also, there will come times when a gray area†¦show more content†¦However, there may be Dilemmas where there isn’t a right or wrong decision, but the right way to do it or the right way to answer it. For instance, a dilemma may come in the form of having to make the right decision whether or not it goes against your personal or community values. Due to the various different cultures in many countries, there are certain things you can’t do. For example, bowing to one another. Is it right to bow or is it wrong? It is neither right nor wrong based on culture and beliefs because they may see it as being respectful, but other cultures may see it as being weak. Ethics Pledges A pledge/oath is a person committing to a solemn promise. When pledging yourself, you are obligated to obey the rules or values that are written within the pledge. If the pledge is broken, there may be consequences. An ethical pledge is a promise, voluntary or non-voluntary, to the ethical commitments that is presented within the pledge/oath. What makes an ethical pledge important is the value that it brings to the world of ethics and how it creates a sense of unity and community. It helps to create a group or community that believes in the same laws/rules of what ethics truly means and promises to practice in an ethical way. Nevertheless, the first ethics pledge example I chose is from Luzerne County of Pennsylvania. The reason I selected

Monday, December 9, 2019

Online Gaming Positive and Negative Aspects

Question: Describe about the Online Gaming for Positive and Negative Aspects. Answer: Introduction Internet and technology have brought a number of advancements in various sectors and gaming is one such sector that has experienced major transformations due to the same. Online gaming has managed to become a preferred mode of entertainment for people of varied age groups including kids, teenagers and adults. There are online games that are now available for users for free of cost and the advanced level comes at an affordable cost. There are positive and negative aspects that are associated with the online gaming. Harmonious Passion in Online Gaming There are various forms of passion that may be associated with a particular activity. Harmonious passion is a kind of passion that makes sure that the activity which is online gaming in this case does not conflict with any other activity. Online gaming has emerged as a source of entertainment for the players and they ensure that they make some time during the day reserved for the same. The activity and the passion that is involved with the same comes out to have a positive impact on the mind of the player as long as the passion does not turn in to obsessive passion, addiction and craving. Positive Aspects of Online Gaming Education and General Knowledge There are various categories of online games that are present for the users and can be easily downloaded and installed. One such category of games is education and general knowledge games. These games assist parents to easily educate their children with an activity that does not appear to be regular classroom tuition and likewise. These games act as a mode of entertainment for the kids and the information that is present within the games add to their knowledge as well. For instance, there are games that are developed on the concepts of primary mathematics that has got various levels present one after the other. The user will be allowed to move to the next level only if he/she succeeds in clearing the one prior to it. The levels comprise of basic mathematics operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and likewise presented over an interactive user interface. The game enhanced the mathematical knowledge of the kids along with their mental ability and awareness. There are also hints and assistance included in the game to make the kids learn about the mathematical techniques. Similar games on other subjects and general knowledge such as quiz games and likewise are also available for the users (Frank, Sanbou and Terashima, 2016). Typing Skills There are also games that can measure and improve the typing skills of the users. Computer systems are essential in the present era in every field and it is necessary to have decent typing speed and skills to make proper utilization of the same. Online gaming has provided a solution to enhance this skill of the users by providing attractive interface to type on and remember the keys on the particular keyboard that is used for the same. These games display the typing speed, errors and various associated details and also comprise of difficulty levels as easy, medium and complex which provide a time based challenge to the users. Regular gaming allows the users to enhance these skills in an easy manner. Communication Skills These are the skill sets that get enhanced with certain online games that can be played by the users. There are games that involve interaction with the various team players and there are also games that have multiple players in one team and multiple teams in one game. The interaction and communication between the teams determine the win or loss in a game. The users therefore make sure that they maintain a required level of communication and the same develops additional necessary skills such as team building, team cooperation and team collaboration as well. Mode of Refreshment The primary motive behind the playing of the online games for the users is to have fun and have a mode of entertainment and refreshment. These games allow the users to refresh their minds of all the stress and tensions of the daily activities. The users get engrossed with the games and indulge in the world of the game for a particular time period. The same has a positive impact on the overall health as it freshens up the mood and creates positive energies. Negative Aspects of Online Gaming There are also some of the negative aspects that are associated with the online games and the same are usually the result of excessive gaming. Obsessive Passion and Addictive Behavior There are scenarios wherein the users get addicted to a particular game and develop an obsessive passion for the same. It is a result of excessive playing and the same leads to avoidance and conflict with the other routine activities. The addictive behavior also takes a toll on the studies and associated activities for the kids as they get indulged in the online gaming at all times. Instances wherein the users do not get the desired share of time to play the games result in cravings which is not beneficial for the human health (Stoeber et al., 2011). Negative Social Impacts There are a number of negative impacts associated with the social aspects associated with the online games. There are negative social impacts that result out of indulgence in the online games. The kids in the present era keep themselves busy in the world of online games and do not go out playing with other kids in the society. The same leads the inability in them to develop the social skills that are extremely essential part of life. There are also decreased social interactions and activities that are seen among the teenagers and adults resulting out of the online games and indulgence in the same. Social skills allow the individual to have an interactive session with the fellow members and are extremely essential for the overall personality development of the individual. Online gaming takes a negative toll in this regard by preventing the users to develop such skills. Social isolation is the result of the prolonged and excessive gaming (Kowert et al., 2014). Health Hazards There are numerous health hazards that are associated with increased online gaming for people of all age groups. First and the foremost is the impact on the eyes of the individual that results out of online gaming. The eyesight deteriorates along with other related problems such as irritation and itching in the eyes. There are also a number of other health issues that result out of online gaming on the physical health of the person. Physical activity and fitness is essential and shall be incorporated in the daily routine. Online gaming prevents the individuals to perform physical activities and makes them stuck to the couch or chairs that result in various health issues such as obesity and many others leading to some of the extremely severe health impacts (Stetina et al., 2010). Negative Psychological Impacts There are a number of aspects that are associated with online gaming such as use of sound, peer pressure, fun, score and many others. Players tend to get emotionally involved with the games and the same has an impact on the mind and body leading to a number of psychological impacts. The loss in the game leads to a state of sadness which also becomes depression in certain cases. The combination of audio and visual effects present in the games determine the human behavior as well that leads to some of the negative psychological impacts (Kowert et al., 2014). Ethical Issues leading to Negative Impacts There are a number of ethical issues that are involved with the online games in terms of the category and content present in the game. The developers at times do not take care of the type of content that they should incorporate in the games and also the accessibility of the same is not controlled leading to their usage by the individuals belonging to the minor age group. Usage of such games by the kids and minors is a violation of ethical practices that takes a toll on the mental and psychological abilities of the users (Albrecht, Michael and Michael, 2016). Security Risks in Online Gaming With the increase in the number and ease of accessibility of the online games along with the increase of the usage of the same leads to a number of security risks associated with the games. The attackers succeed in obtaining personal information associated with the users through unauthorized manners which leads to the violation of the confidentiality, privacy and integrity of the same. There are also apps that need to be purchased or involve in-app purchases. Attackers also get hold of the payment information of the users that can have extremely severe impacts. These security risks can also lead to the deterioration of the reputation of the developers and the organization that provides these games to the users. The customer base and market shares also therefore come down as a result of these risks. These security risks primarily involve availability risks, integrity risks and confidentiality attacks such as denial of service attacks, media alteration, phishing attacks, scams, malware attacks and many others. There are also some of the games that determine the user location and the attackers acquire the same for executing physical security attacks such as stealing of device or harm to the device owner. Countermeasures to Security Risks There are a number of measures that the users and the game developers shall take to minimize these security risks. The users shall not click on any suspicious links and shall consider the reviews and comments before downloading a particular game. The payment processes must be carried out in a secure environment and the device must always be kept protected with the anti-virus and other anti malware packages. The developers must install security mechanisms in the games during the development of the same in order to protect the information of the users. Conclusion Online gaming is an activity that has been developed as a source of entertainment for the users. The usage and incorporation of the same in daily activities shall therefore be restricted so that the same does not turn in to a hazard or result in negative impacts. There are numerous positives that are associated with the games and the same shall be maintained all throughout. There shall also be monitoring and control applied by the parents to prevent the children from excessive usage and addiction. References Albrecht, K., Michael, M. and Michael, K. (2016). The Dark Side of Video Games. 1st ed. Frank, I., Sanbou, N. and Terashima, K. (2016). Some Positive Effects of Online Gaming . 1st ed. Hakodate: Future University Hakodate. Kowert, R., Domahidi, E., Festl, R. and Quandt, T. (2014). Social gaming, lonely life? The impact of digital game play on adolescents social circles. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 20 Oct. 2016]. Kowert, R., Vogelgesang, J., Festl, R. and Quandt, T. (2014). Psychosocial causes and consequences of online video game play. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 20 Oct. 2016]. Stetina, B., Kothgassner, O., Lehenbauer, M. and Kryspin-Exner, I. (2010). Beyond the fascination of online-games: Probing addictive behavior and depression in the world of online-gaming. 1st ed. [ebook] Vienna: University of Vienna, Austria. Available at: [Accessed 20 Oct. 2016]. Stoeber, J., Harvey, M., Ward, J. and Childs, J. (2011). Passion, craving, and affect in online gaming: Predicting how gamers feel when playing and when prevented from playing. 1st ed. [ebook] Kent: University of Kent, Canterbury. Available at: [Accessed 20 Oct. 2016].

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Ford Pinto free essay sample

Therefore, totell someone that there is a certain price for their life is a preposterous notion. There are numerous things which individuals consider priceless. Ford thought they could get away with a dangerous automobile by paying off those lawsuits from people who were injured and the families of the dead. Ford thought it was more cost effective not to fix the dangerous condition than to spend the money to save people. In the criticism of using a number, Ford seemed to blindly follow the dictated numbers without giving any extra consideration to the fact that it in face was a human life they were quantifying. It is hard to achieve values without norms and we have ineffective norms without values. Norms are rules that prescribe what concrete actions are required, permitted or forbidden. These are rules and agreement about how people are supposed to treat each other. Everyone has the right to have a safe and healthy workplace or have the right to expect product they purchase to be safe. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ford Pinto or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lesson learned is that they shouldn’t be ignoring an obviously dangerous condition and shouldn’t be putting a value on human life. Question 2 Is cost-benefit analysis a legitimate tool? What a role, if any, should it play in moral deliberation? Critically assess the example of cost-benefit analysis given in the case study. Is there anything unsatisfactory about it? Could it have been improved upon in some way? ANS: Cost-benefit analysis is a legitimate tool for businesses to use in deciding what actions to take. As Friedman has argued, the role of business is to make money and a cost benefit analysis is a very useful tool in figuring out how to do so. When it comes to morals, however, cost-benefit analysis is much less useful unless one believes in utilitarianism. For other understanding of morality, a person should not be asking â€Å"what do I gain and lose† when trying to figure out what to do. People should be asking â€Å"what’s the right thing to do†. Cost-benefit analysis can’t really help with that. An examination of the Ford Pinto Case, the cost-benefit analysis, will help raise the awareness and understanding of the diminishing value of ethics in the business world. When Ford conducted the cost-benefit analysis, it analyzed what the potential benefit would be if they fixed every Pinto by installing the baffle piece. The result produced from the cost-benefit analysis may be interpreted to say that it would have cost Ford $137 million to fix the Pintos by installing the baffle piece when it would have cost $49. 5 million to leave the cars alone and deal with the expenses of injuries and deaths from the crashes. Ford decided that, because it would be cheaper, it would not install the baffle piece. According to De George, Ford did not tell the consumer that the car was not as safe as others, nor did it inform consumers that they had the option of purchasing the baffle piece (De George, 1995). In Ford contention is that these decision are moral ones, and that cost-benefit analysis is therefore in appropriate because it requires the adoption of an unsatisfactory moral system. These include harm, honesty, justice and rights. So no harm should be done to others, people should not deceived and their rights to life, free expression and safety should be acknowledged. Because this case involved human lives, Ford would have been better off if it had used a deontological approach with a few rules in mind. Ford should have been primarily concerned with maximizing shareholder wealth by way of a concern for the safety of its consumer and by maintaining a good public image rather than saving money. If Ford had been concerned about the shareholder’s wealth, it would have considered the long term effects of making a subcompact car that was not safe for its consumers (Gitman,2006). In essence, Ford should have been more concerned with the principle that with the results. The principle is simple: decision should be made in the best interest of the shareholder. In conclusion, the evaluation of good and bad consequences provides one way of ensuring that companies consider the morality of their actions, which may suggest that utilitarianism can be positive influence for ethical business practice as long as the true costs can be accurately determined and the right value placed on human life. Question 3 Speculate about Kant’s response to the idea of placing a monetary value on a human life. Is doing so ever morally legitimate? ANS: No, it is not morally legitimate to placing a monetary value on a human life. Kant’s categorical imperative can be formulated as an action is morally right if and only if the person doing it does not use others merely as a means to an end, but respects and develops their capacity to act for themselves. In other words, humans have equal dignity and should never be deceived, manipulated or exploited for any purpose. There can never be a moral cost-benefit analysis that allows corporate leaders and their corporations to unjustly exploit or endanger employees, customers and local communities exclusively as means to corporate profit or in the case of Ford situation as a means to save expending resourced to remedy a defective product or not risking corporate profits and reputation by recalling a potentially dangerous product. In addition, it is that trading off lives for any amount of money is wrong, because doing so fails to respect the essential worth of every human life. Is seems unethical to determine that people should be allowed to die or be seriously injured because it would cost too much to prevent it. In Kant’s will recognize and endorse that sentiment, which human beings have dignity and not mere price which also unconditionally attribute a worth to persons that cannot be quantified and is not subject to trade-offs.

The Ford Pinto free essay sample

Therefore, totell someone that there is a certain price for their life is a preposterous notion. There are numerous things which individuals consider priceless. Ford thought they could get away with a dangerous automobile by paying off those lawsuits from people who were injured and the families of the dead. Ford thought it was more cost effective not to fix the dangerous condition than to spend the money to save people. In the criticism of using a number, Ford seemed to blindly follow the dictated numbers without giving any extra consideration to the fact that it in face was a human life they were quantifying. It is hard to achieve values without norms and we have ineffective norms without values. Norms are rules that prescribe what concrete actions are required, permitted or forbidden. These are rules and agreement about how people are supposed to treat each other. Everyone has the right to have a safe and healthy workplace or have the right to expect product they purchase to be safe. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ford Pinto or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lesson learned is that they shouldn’t be ignoring an obviously dangerous condition and shouldn’t be putting a value on human life. Question 2 Is cost-benefit analysis a legitimate tool? What a role, if any, should it play in moral deliberation? Critically assess the example of cost-benefit analysis given in the case study. Is there anything unsatisfactory about it? Could it have been improved upon in some way? ANS: Cost-benefit analysis is a legitimate tool for businesses to use in deciding what actions to take. As Friedman has argued, the role of business is to make money and a cost benefit analysis is a very useful tool in figuring out how to do so. When it comes to morals, however, cost-benefit analysis is much less useful unless one believes in utilitarianism. For other understanding of morality, a person should not be asking â€Å"what do I gain and lose† when trying to figure out what to do. People should be asking â€Å"what’s the right thing to do†. Cost-benefit analysis can’t really help with that. An examination of the Ford Pinto Case, the cost-benefit analysis, will help raise the awareness and understanding of the diminishing value of ethics in the business world. When Ford conducted the cost-benefit analysis, it analyzed what the potential benefit would be if they fixed every Pinto by installing the baffle piece. The result produced from the cost-benefit analysis may be interpreted to say that it would have cost Ford $137 million to fix the Pintos by installing the baffle piece when it would have cost $49. 5 million to leave the cars alone and deal with the expenses of injuries and deaths from the crashes. Ford decided that, because it would be cheaper, it would not install the baffle piece. According to De George, Ford did not tell the consumer that the car was not as safe as others, nor did it inform consumers that they had the option of purchasing the baffle piece (De George, 1995). In Ford contention is that these decision are moral ones, and that cost-benefit analysis is therefore in appropriate because it requires the adoption of an unsatisfactory moral system. These include harm, honesty, justice and rights. So no harm should be done to others, people should not deceived and their rights to life, free expression and safety should be acknowledged. Because this case involved human lives, Ford would have been better off if it had used a deontological approach with a few rules in mind. Ford should have been primarily concerned with maximizing shareholder wealth by way of a concern for the safety of its consumer and by maintaining a good public image rather than saving money. If Ford had been concerned about the shareholder’s wealth, it would have considered the long term effects of making a subcompact car that was not safe for its consumers (Gitman,2006). In essence, Ford should have been more concerned with the principle that with the results. The principle is simple: decision should be made in the best interest of the shareholder. In conclusion, the evaluation of good and bad consequences provides one way of ensuring that companies consider the morality of their actions, which may suggest that utilitarianism can be positive influence for ethical business practice as long as the true costs can be accurately determined and the right value placed on human life. Question 3 Speculate about Kant’s response to the idea of placing a monetary value on a human life. Is doing so ever morally legitimate? ANS: No, it is not morally legitimate to placing a monetary value on a human life. Kant’s categorical imperative can be formulated as an action is morally right if and only if the person doing it does not use others merely as a means to an end, but respects and develops their capacity to act for themselves. In other words, humans have equal dignity and should never be deceived, manipulated or exploited for any purpose. There can never be a moral cost-benefit analysis that allows corporate leaders and their corporations to unjustly exploit or endanger employees, customers and local communities exclusively as means to corporate profit or in the case of Ford situation as a means to save expending resourced to remedy a defective product or not risking corporate profits and reputation by recalling a potentially dangerous product. In addition, it is that trading off lives for any amount of money is wrong, because doing so fails to respect the essential worth of every human life. Is seems unethical to determine that people should be allowed to die or be seriously injured because it would cost too much to prevent it. In Kant’s will recognize and endorse that sentiment, which human beings have dignity and not mere price which also unconditionally attribute a worth to persons that cannot be quantified and is not subject to trade-offs.